Wednesday, March 12, 2008

(If) Delight (then) Desires

Psalm 37:4
"Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart."

It's a familiar verse, one I'm sure most have heard before. But what does it really mean to delight yourself in the Lord? defines delight as "to have great pleasure; take pleasure (in)." I love the example they give: "She delights in going for long walks in the country." What an image! Does that mean we can enjoy God's presence the way we enjoy a beautiful garden or a mountain landscape? The only answer I can come up with is an emphatic YES! But life is busy... so how do we delight in the Lord when we're running the race at a hundred miles an hour?

We must become explorers, people who seek new and unconventional ways to spend time with God. Finding the beauty in the mundane is not an easy thing, but the rewards are great. In the song "Just Showed Up for My Own Life," Sara Groves explains what it was like when she stopped living life "sleepwalking" and woke up to the beauty of God all around us. "I'm going to live my life inspired; Look for the holy in the commonplace." Delighting in God isn't difficult, once you know what you're looking for. It simply requires a mindset to find "the holy in the commonplace."

But what about those desires? "And he will give you the desires of your heart." That's a weighty promise. What does your heart desire? I know mine desires a lot. The problem with the heart is that the Bible also says "the heart is deceitful above all things" (Jer. 17:9). The great thing about God is that He never changes. While the desires of our heart may ebb and flow, His desires for us remain the same. If we really spend the time to delight ourselves in Him, His desires will become our desires. Then we are truly left with a win-win situation. Not only will we be delighted, we will also get our desires!

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